Hourly Timesheet Name * First Name Last Name Pay Period * Ex. 3/23/21 - 4/5/21 Beg on Tues, ending on a Mon Tuesday * Please enter the hours worked for each day. Mark 0 if no hours were worked. If you are using Paid Time Off (PTO), record only hours worked for that day. Record PTO total hours at the bottom of the form. Example: Partial PTO day: 4 hours worked Monday, mark at bottom of form 4 hours PTO used. Full PTO: Monday 0 hours worked, mark at bottom 8 hours PTO used Wednesday * Thursday * Friday * Saturday Monday * Tuesday * Wednesday * Thursday * Friday * Saturday Monday * Total Hours Worked * PTO USED If used only. Will be deducted from ADP PTO totals. List all hours and each date for this pay period Ex. 16 hours 3/24/21, 3/25/21 Thank you!